January 2022

January 2022 WVATS E-Newsletter

New Year's Resolutions

a photo of a man helping another man do core exercises in his wheelchair

New Year’s is a time for everyone to make positive changes for the coming year. This often includes working out to become fit and in shape. This can be difficult as many gyms are not inclusive to people with disabilities. Here are some adaptive equipment ideas that can help you get in shape and stick to your resolutions no matter the barrier.

Pedal cycles and hand cycles are a great way to exercise for anyone that has mobility or balance issues. You can stay seated and exercise your legs or arms from a chair or wheelchair. Resistance bands are another great exercise tool that can be used to build strength in any body part. Grips and handles are available now on equipment that were not before. Check with your local gym for adaptive equipment before signing up. Make sure you always have a helper when lifting weights.

For more information on assistive technology devices and adaptive exercising, call WVATS at 800-841-8436, email WVATS at wvats@hsc.wvu.edu or visit the WVATS website at wvats.cedwvu.org.

Check It Out

Exercise Pulley Set

a photo of a woman using the pulley over a door

The exercise pulley set can turn almost any door into a home gym. It is designed to exercise the upper body. It can help increase the range of motion in arms. It can also stimulate the upper arm muscles with its use. It is designed to fit over most standard doors. WVATS has an exercise pulley system available for loan in our loan library.

For more information on the exercise pulley system or other devices available in our loan library, call WVATS at 800-841-8436 or email WVATS at wvats@hsc.wvu.edu.

There is an App for That

Evolve 21

Evolve 21 The first inclusive workout app for people of all abilities

Evolve 21 is an inclusive exercise app for people of all abilities. The app provides programs for cardio, yoga and meditation. Choose the activities that work best for you. Workouts are just seven minutes long. Mix and match them every day. The trainers for the Evolve 21 app represents individuals with different physical abilities for greater inclusivity. The Evolve 21 app is free and available on the android and iOS platforms.

Upcoming Events & Training

Wednesday, February 16, 2022 from 3 pm to 4 pm:

An introduction to assistive technology. This training will provide information on different types of AT and how the tools can be beneficial. Attendees will also learn how to access the different services WVATS provides.

Thursday, February 24, 2022 from 1 pm to 2 pm: AT for Computer Access

Having proper access to a computer can help people with several barriers. This training will go over several devices that will be beneficial to people trying to use a computer or tablet. Using the right keyboard or mouse is all it takes sometimes. We will address some of the problems that are seen when accessing a computer without assistive technology.

To register for a training or to find out about future training and events, visit the WVATS Upcoming Events at wvats.cedwvu.org/upcoming-events.

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